Examples of plain English

To see how plain English can improve customer communications, take a look at these examples

Letter to customer – sign-off


As always we welcome your feedback and should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at the number below.

Plain English – for an approachable style

We are always happy to hear from our customers. If you have any queries, please ring me on my direct line (XXXX).

Bank letter about a debt


On reviewing your account to-day, I note no payment has been received since DATE. In order that we may close our file in this case, I would advise that the Bank will consider a settlement of the outstanding debt, but only if you contact this office within 10 days.

If no communication is received from you, I have to advise that your account will, at financial year end, be placed on our BAD DEBTS LISTING. This may affect your credit standing and your ability to negotiate borrowings in the future.

Plain English – for clarity

We note that no payment on the above account has been received since DATE.

We wish to inform you that the bank will consider a settlement of the outstanding debt, but only if you contact this office and make the payment within 10 days. 

If we do not hear from you on this matter within 10 days, your account will be listed as a bad debt at the end of the financial year. This may affect your credit rating and your ability to borrow in the future.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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